Where traditional traffic management measures fail, our Police Accredited Traffic Officers are there to give you the control you need to manage traffic arriving or departing from your event or venue.
As our PATO’s hold the full power of a Police Constable to direct and control traffic we can improve junction flows, remove hazards (such as turning across live traffic lanes), prevent unauthorised access or parking by drivers and ensure compliance with the Road Traffic Act at all times.
The most typical difference between PATO’s and Traffic Management staff is a PATO can legally direct traffic with hand signals. Traffic Management staff have to use traffic lights or stop/go boards etc to control traffic lawfully and these have dwell time built in (the time it takes for traffic lights to change direction on amber lights). This dwell time creates delays on the road network which can frustrate your attendees and local residents or businesses using the road network.
For example: where traditional traffic management would have to close a road for a parade, PATO’s can travel with he parade providing rolling protection whilst keeping disruption to a bare minimum.
Our Motorcycle unit are able to deploy to the roads around your event to provide a response to issues on the road network which can delay your traffic.
They also can enable you to guarantee VIPs, such as teams or artists etc, to get to event site or venue at the correct time by our motorcycle unit escorting through the local road network.